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We are a tribe that vibrates in the field of conscious co-creation.



The Wyld School sacred gatherings release old programming, limiting concepts, and the feeling of separateness in a safe loving community held in trust, love and unity. 


The world is moving through her great transition and each of us are being called to make space for this higher frequency of light that is entering our planet and our physical bodies.  


The time of living in 3rd dimensional separateness that protects a system of rules that enforce duality is ending.  The ways in which we have been conditioned are also ending.  

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The path of awakening is a rise in our consciousness to the 5th dimension.


It is here that we remember we are all one, that the energy of unbounded love is of the highest intelligence and is our very nature. 

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Divine Timing has brought you here...

This beautiful path is the true journey of the soul. 


The Wyld School is a community of like minded individuals that gather together to cleanse, heal and consciously create the new earth. Through our gatherings you will feel the essence of a frequency emerge within you that longs to be felt…

one that holds beauty, abundance, harmony and community.


 Through this internal elevation of vibration your own innermost flowering will begin to occur.  The chambers of your heart will begin to open and your life will flow in harmony with our beloved planet. 


We are gathering in remembrance of the truth of who we are.

That we are free, sovereign and a part of infinite source consciousness - we are one.

Nicole D.

I have had the honor of participating in Radine's Sacred Preistess Gatherings and Deep Plant Medince Ceremonies. Radine has brought to life the most magical setting allowing her people to enhance their spiritual awareness. Through our spiritual remembering each of us feel safe and free as there is never any judgment. There is always so much beauty in the energy that surrounds us all through our experiences here. These gatherings are always filled with so much Love and Light as Radine's extensive training and spiritual vision develops with every breath she takes. 


These experiences have brought me so much balance and insight to my physical and spiritual world. I look forward to growing and healing as I continue my journey amoung this beautiful community that is being created.

Debbie L.

The Sacred Pristess ceremonies have empowered me to connect to my true self. Radine has opened new channels of inner awareness that I could not have done alone.  This beautiful ceremony, and all the women that gather, has been a true blessing. The plant medicine ceremonies has been a wild and wonderful awakening into the truth about myself. Radine has guided me through the ceremony helping to release unwanted feelings and beliefs. This has been a gift l have given myself. Thank you Radine for this amazing journey!

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